Finally! It's time to share my trip to Dewey. This was my first trip to Greyhounds Reach the Beach in Dewey, Delaware. This has been on my bucket list for a while now. Nothing better than a vacation planned around greyhounds and their people.
I decided since it was my first year to attend, that I would fly. What with the price of gas and going alone, it would be just as reasonable to fly. Not to mention, my fear of falling asleep while driving by myself. So I left out of Evansville on Wednesday October 3rd early in the morning (6:30 a.m.) and arrived in Philly around noon. Picked up my rental car and I was on my way. It was only about a 2 hour drive from Philly to Delaware.
A very generous greyhound friend, Nancy Hanrahan, offered me a place to crash. You know, I'm a low maintenance kind of gal and really only need a dog bed to sleep on! Many people told me I was crazy to go that far away and stay with people I didn't even know. What were they thinking? Obviously these people don't know greyhound people!!! Nancy, her daughter Amber and their friend Sue, were awesome! Nancy and Sue have these adorable cottages that they stay in every year and they are just right across the lane from each other. Originally I was supposed to bunk with Nancy and company. Then there was this little whippet named Ace who needed a foster mom for a couple of days. Since I didn't have one of my own dogs with me, I offered to help out. Sue and her girls were alone in their cottage, so Ace and I bunked with her.

You see Ace rode from Indiana to meet up with his new family as he had recently been returned, through no fault of his own. That's okay, because his new family loves him like no other and he will have a wonderful life. Let me tell you, this little guy was adorable and I could have taken him back home with me. What a snuggle bug. From what I hear, he is a bit on the bigger side for a whippet, and very strong on the leash. Anyway, I enjoyed taking care of him for a little while.

This post will probably be a little jumpy, kind of like I was on this trip. Everything was awesome and I felt like a kid on Christmas morning. Everywhere you looked, restaurants and hotels had their signs welcoming us greyhound peeps!
Another highlight of my trip was going to be meeting Junebug (a little greyhound/plotthound mix) that Nancy and her daughter adopted last year. You see, I am Junebug's number one fan! I followed her story when she was first rescued by
At Risk Intervention. If my memory serves me correctly, she had been shot in the face and also had a broken neck. She is partially blind and deaf on her left side. With lots of love and patience, this little girl has made amazing strides over the past year. She will only know love for the rest of her life! We celebrated her first gotcha day while we were there too. I love this little Bug!
The next real treat...I got to meet Giles' Express. For those of you who don't know his story, go HERE. To think he suffered this abuse at the hands of his owners just makes me sick. Giles is a real Superman!
He won "Most Hunkiest" at the costume contest.
It was a little chilly on Sunday morning before I left and Giles had on his nice warm fleece. Here he is helping his skin-sister Amber while she is vending. Just laying on his bed and just loving life!
This picture was from the Pet Blessing that Gil Caldwell did at the park in Rehoboth. If you look closely, you can see a lipstick print. He got kissed a lot!
I won't bore you with ALL the pictures I took of Giles, but let me tell you, this is one amazing dog. I was honored to be in his presence. He enjoyed everything! He truly loves life!
We put this adorable hat on him since it was cold. There was a big auction to help At Risk Intervention with expenses and a very nice lady made this for him. He's such a good sport.
Isis and Amber (the greyhound) at the beach. These were Sue's girls and I had a blast spending time with them in their cottage. Such good girls.
I can't forget Adam, another member of the Hanrahan pack. What a sweetheart. He reminds me of my Brett.
Oh yeah! I almost forgot the Beach!!! It was very pretty on the beach at Rehoboth and Dewey. It was an awesome time and I can't wait to go back next year!