Friday, September 12, 2014

Foster Failure

No, I haven't failed fostering again.  At least this time.  On the eve of Clareese going to a new "potential" home, I have once again thought of these words.

I would be lying if I said I didn't want to keep Clareese.  The thought has crossed my mind so many times.  She's a quirky little girl, just like her brother in many ways.  However, I still am not sure our home is the right one for her. 

Some may remember that back in April, we thought Clareese was going to a new forever home.  However, after about a month, the family decided it wasn't the right time to adopt.  We were in the middle of wedding preparation at that time, but I told our President that as soon as we got back home, she could come back here.  Clareese arrived here as a foster for the first time on October 5, 2013.

I always describe being a foster family as helping bridge the gap from the track to home and retirement.  Teaching them about the world outside of racing and things they have never encountered before.  Most have never seen televisions, glass doors, stairs, ceiling fans, cats or a couch, just to name a few.  So for days, weeks and sometimes months (like almost 12) my family and I work to get hounds used to home life. 

Not to pat myself on the back or anything, but I think we've done a pretty good job with Clareese.  She learned the stairs within 24 hours, tolerates the cats well, absolutely loves the couch and has learned that my husband isn't such a bad guy after all.  Which is a good thing because her new dad absolute adores her.   

So if I would have failed fostering with Clareese, who would I be failing?  Myself, Clareese, her potential family?  While I feel like I didn't fail this time, if she crosses through our door again, she's never leaving again. 


  1. I don't think you'd be failing anyone! You would simply be accepting that you are the best home for her, which Fate seems to be suggesting.

  2. I have such huge respect for anyone who puts their hearts and their homes out there to be foster parents. What a wonderful thing you do, transitioning and teaching the pups about home life and what it's like to be retired family dogs. (about your earlier posts ... I have wanted so badly to go to the gathering in Abilene, but haven't made it there yet. Thank you for bringing us along with you.)

  3. Fail? Are you kidding me??? You are my hero!

    Most important of all, you ate these dogs' hero!

    She is a beautiful girl. Those are some blessed people to have her!


    Sheila :-)

  4. You ARE not ATE.

    Though I admit that typo is pretty funny! ;-)

  5. This is a very interesting story, and I could not have given her time and again. You're tough!

  6. Look at that sweet little face. I have foster failed several times, and never regretted a one.
