Friday, July 15, 2011

Silly Felicia

Where does the time go? I thought I just did a post not that long ago, only to find out it has been over 2 weeks. How is that possible?

We have a house guest, Felicia. She came last Thursday and will leave next weekend. What a sweetie. I was able to get this picture of her tonight. She looks so sweet and innocent. Went to let her out to potty and she decides at 11:30 p.m. to take a swim in the pond in the backyard! Who would have thought?


  1. Lol, that's why she is grinning in her sleep?

  2. She is such an adorable little cutie! I love that pose!

  3. That is pretty silly to take a midnight swim. There's nothing better than a dog that puts a smile on your face! She looks pretty comfy there too. Happy weekend to you and your pack.

  4. Awww, Felicia looks a real sweetie:) Maybe she was hot and needed to cool down? I got Frankie and Beryl a kiddie pool and they drink out of it!

  5. What a great pose!! Obviously wapped out after her midnight swim . . .he he he
