Sunday, April 3, 2011

My Splurge

Normally, I don't just blow money on frivolous things, but I couldn't resist. I have a Honda Odyssey van and I have played around with the thought of getting a personalized plate for a while now. Every year for the past 2 years when it comes time for plate renewal I see if this is available, and it has been. So this year, I decided this was my present to myself for working 2 jobs for the past 6 months. While I am working the same amount of hours now, it will be at one job. Plus no evenings or weekends, so more time for the hounds! I know it's kind of silly...


  1. Love It!! What a great idea!! And you deserve it. :)

  2. That's a great splurge, and you totally deserve it! It's also very clever! :)

  3. It's not silly at all. And sometimes we just have to treat ourselves. It's awesome, well done!

  4. I love it!! It's clever, not stupid, which is the problem with most personalized plates. It's a really great choice :)

    PS ~ Thanks for your comment on my foot post. I'm having the hardest time with the damn crutches. These people make it look so easy and I get out of breath hobbling across the house to the bathroom. I'm not sure if I'm not doing it right, or if I'm just not a crutch-walker. Hopefully I won't rupture a disk, but I feel better knowing that 1) I'm not exaggerating the pain; I also feel like a break would be less painful and 2) that I'm not the only one who's having crutch issues!

  5. What an excellent idea! I love it.
    Hugs to your hounds.
